Recognizing its duty of environmental stewardship, the team at Capital & Dirigeants Partenaires is taking steps, at its own scale, to protect the environment.
80% of world forests have been cut down or damaged, for the most part in the past 30 years
(Source : World Ressource Institute)
Nearly 24% of all printed pages are never used and go directly into the wastepaper basket
(Source : Etude Lexmark)
Data centers consume 9% of electricity produced in france
(Source : Etude France Culture)
40% of daily automobile trips are less than 2 km
(Source: Etude ConsoGlobe)
World transport is 97% dependent on oil
(Source: Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP))
It will take 1,000 years for a standard ink cartridge to break down and decompose
(Source : ConsoGlobe)
Lighting office buildings at la défense at night consumes as much electricity as 750,000 homes in a year
(Source: French Environment Ministry)
35 out of 100 people declare that they will act to protect the environment only if other people do
(Source: CRIOC)