
Les Numériques is now part of a fast-growing group in the web media field

– First website in France for testing products and digital news

Les Numériques.com has emerged as the leading brand and web magazine in France for testing and benchmarking of digital products, home appliances and home automation. As a real purchasing help, they assist customers in their choices and acquisitions.
The company was handed over to the FLCP group (Fabrice Larue Capital Partners), forming its media/internet pole Neweb and owning other advisory websites such as ZDNet, Cent or Gamekult.

Vincent, Florent and Mathias, the 3 founders remained managing directors , they realized part of their assets during this operation and reinvested part of them alongside their new shareholder, becoming the driving force behind Neweb’s development.




Executive interviews (1 et 2)

In Portfolios